P-ISSN: 2789-9497, E-ISSN: 2789-9500
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2024, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A

Juvenile justice act a comparative study of juvenile justice act India U.K and U.S.A protection of children through juvenile justice act 2015 analysis

Author(s): Preeti Varma and Dr. Amit Singh

Abstract: The idea of juvenile delinquency served as the basis for the India of juvenile justice. They don’t readily comply with the laws and processes of the criminal justice system. The juvenile justice system was thus developed specifically address the needs of juvenile offenders. One of the primary responsibilities of the juvenile justice system has been to provide children with specialized & preventive treatment programme. The provision of specialized and preventive treatment services for children has been one of the juvenile justice system’s main functions. Delinquent children might use it as a tool for rehabilitation and sociability. The youth of the country are it is greatest resource. We must take care of and meet their needs. Therefore it is essential that we help Youngsters. Children are always pure and have no concept of the right and wrong. They are less physically and cognitively fit than adults as well. Children developed in to responsible adult who were morally sound mentally sharps physically fit and equipped with the motive and abilities required by society. Pour goal should be to provide all children with equal possibilities for development during the age of growth. Since this well further our bigger goals of eradicating inequality and promoting social justice.

DOI: 10.22271/27899497.2024.v4.i1a.68

Pages: 50-55 | Views: 698 | Downloads: 493

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International Journal of Criminal, Common and Statutory Law
How to cite this article:
Preeti Varma, Dr. Amit Singh. Juvenile justice act a comparative study of juvenile justice act India U.K and U.S.A protection of children through juvenile justice act 2015 analysis. Int J Criminal Common Statutory Law 2024;4(1):50-55. DOI: 10.22271/27899497.2024.v4.i1a.68
International Journal of Criminal, Common and Statutory Law

International Journal of Criminal, Common and Statutory Law

International Journal of Criminal, Common and Statutory Law
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