P-ISSN: 2789-9497, E-ISSN: 2789-9500
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2023, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A

Measures and emerging difficulties in information technology act

Author(s): Vartika Pandey

Abstract: Cybercrime is starting to spread like a parasite in cyberspace. We are indeed dependent on technology nowadays and somehow internet has become a part of our lives. By this rapid development cyber-crime has become a major issue globally. Very few people are convicted of cybercrime; hence actions must be taken to change this. The internet has somehow transcended every aspect of our life. Due of this quick progress, cybercrime has emerged as a significant worldwide problem. Cybercrime is distinct from other kinds of crime that take place in society. The reason is because it has no geographical limits and that no one recognizes who the cybercriminals are as it’s difficult to trace them. It has an impact on all relevant stakeholders, including the government, industry, and citizens. With the rising usage of information and communication technologies in India, cybercrime is on the rise (ICT). As according Cyber security Ventures, over the next five years, the cost of cybercrime would increase by 15% annually, reaching $10.5 trillion USD annually by 2025 from $3 trillion USD in 2015. In addition to being exponentially larger than the damage caused by natural disasters in a year, this represents the largest transfer of economic wealth in history and poses a threat to the incentives for innovation and investment. It will also be more lucrative than the global trade in all major illegal drugs put together. In this article, I'll talk about the Measures and Emerging Difficulties in Cyberspace and the significant changes that could eliminate the IT Act's gaps.

Pages: 20-24 | Views: 889 | Downloads: 459

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International Journal of Criminal, Common and Statutory Law
How to cite this article:
Vartika Pandey. Measures and emerging difficulties in information technology act. Int J Criminal Common Statutory Law 2023;3(1):20-24.
International Journal of Criminal, Common and Statutory Law
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