2022, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A
Prisons reforms in India: Socio-legal issues
Author(s): Naresh Meena
Abstract: Generally speaking, a prison is a facility where people are detained, and it is a state subject under Entry 4 of List II of the Seventh Schedule to the Indian Constitution. States are responsible for the administration and management of prisons, which is the duty of the federal government. However, the Ministry of Home Affairs gives frequent guidance and assistance to States and Union Territories (UTs) on a variety of topics relating to prisons and convicts in jail. Prisons are known to have existed at various times throughout history. The existence of prisons may be dated back to prehistoric times. The prisoner, as well as his impoverished family, suffers as a result of his imprisonment. When a family member who earns a living is imprisoned, the whole family is forced to suffer and adapt to the lack of money. It is necessary for the family to incur financial hardship since they must retain an attorney, provide for the prisoner's meals, and arrange for transportation to and from the jail, and so on. Prisons have very negative effects on one's health. It is possible that some convicts were suffering from different ailments prior to being admitted to the jail or that they became ill after being admitted to the prison. As a result, there is no conducive environment in the jail. It is congested; there is no fresh air; there is a lack of adequate and nutritional food, among other things. Because the preservation of social cohesiveness is built on long-term ties, imprisonment has the effect of disrupting relationships and weakening social cohesion. Because of the disturbance to the family structure caused by incarceration, relationships between spouses as well as between parents and children are affected, resulting in the remaking of families and communities through generations. A fundamental social shift occurs in families and communities as a result of mass incarceration. Taking into account the foregoing considerations, it is important to note that, when calculating the cost of imprisonment, it is necessary to take into account not only the actual funds spent on the upkeep of each prisoner, which is typically significantly higher than the amount spent on a person sentenced to non-custodial sanctions, but also the indirect costs, such as the social, economic, and healthcare-related costs, which are difficult to quantify but which are enormous and long-term in nature. Attempts will be made in this research paper to demonstrate the need of prison changes, along with the social and legal problems that these reforms would face in practice.
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How to cite this article:
Naresh Meena. Prisons reforms in India: Socio-legal issues. Int J Criminal Common Statutory Law 2022;2(1):10-14.